Footloose in the Faroes
The Guinness
Enjoying a Guinness with Henrik and Lene
Henrik picking out my next destination - Vilnius
Getting there and around:
One reason for waiting till July to go was that not only was it warm but we could fly from Stansted direct to the Faroes with Atlantic Airways, landing on what is probably the only flat piece of land around. We hired a car for a few days but that's an expensive option so took it back and used the good public transport system - coaches and ferries and even a helicopter at one stage.
The helicopter taxi
Team makeup:
A great turn out of Dave, Pete, Lynne and Paul..
Youth hostels at four different locations.
The only Youth Hostel with a turf roof I've ever stayed in.
Not the highlight of the holiday that's for sure. We self-catered a few nights and had some mediocre food other nights. I gave the whale meat a miss.
Sightseeing highlights
So many on this trip. The bright green scenery was spectacular. Massive cliffs, no trees, sea birds, houses with turf roofs.
The historic part of Torshavn
The tiny Mykines Island where we happened upon a folk festival.
Kristian Blak and others jamming at the Mykines Youth Hostel
The annual parade where the Prime minister gave a speach and people wore traditional costume.
Out of the City
We spent a couple of nights in the capital Torshavn then visited a number of other islands.
Village of Sandavagur
Quirky moments
The others in the party searching for a Geocache which was in Henrik's garden only to realise it wasn't Henrik's garden they were looking in, it was somoene elses garden.
Paul with the girls outside Torshavn Youth Hostel
Lasting memories
The spectacular scenery
The visit to the Mykines Island.
The puffins, dead and alive - the Faroese still trap and eat puffins.